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TonyWatchesMovies Video Game Reviews: Call of Duty WWII: 7 out of 10

Let me set the scene;

Scene 1

Gamestop; early afternoon

Tony walks into the Gamestop, hair messy and unkempt and dark circles under his eyes. His clothes are shabby and obviously put on last-minute as they don't sit correctly on his body. He approaches the counter, where the attendant turns to him with a tired look

Attendant: Can I help you?

Tony: Yeah, I want to get some preorders. (Tony rubs his eyes sleepily)

Attendant: Aight, which ones?

Tony takes a second to think, as he had just forgotten which games he wanted. He remembers and turns to the attendant again

Tony: Yeah, uh, give me Red Dead, Shadow of War, Assassin Creed Origins, and Wolfenstein.

Attendant: Wow, that's a lot. You wanna add COD on there, too?

Tony takes a second to think. He remembers the fun he had whilst playing Call of Duty 3, but falters as he remembers how COD has changed since then. He turns back to the attendant.

Tony: Do you think it'll be good?

Attendant: I have no idea, dude. All I saw was the pre-rendered trailer.

Tony: Ok, fuck it. Add it in, it'll be an interesting autumn then, I get 5 preorders I guess.

Attendant: 4.

Tony: What do you mean?

Attendant: Red Dead doesn't come out until next year now.


TonyWatchesMovies Score; 7 out of 10

I'm going to get Multiplayer off my chest by saying that, for the most part, it hasn't changed at all, save for a few things. The first is that, of course, they removed the wall running and increased movement from previous installments of COD, and it works to their advantage. They've added some new game types, which is always good (I especially enjoyed Gun Game over this past Winter Siege), and of course there's a whole new collection of costumes and weapon skins to get through either challenges or supply drops (or micropay, if you're a rich asshole).

What really makes this COD greater than the rest is the story mode, and I understand your hesitation because the story modes for COD have been extremely bland as of late. However the story you play while in the western theater of WWII isn't one you've necessarily seen for the first time, but it is definitely one that you feel. With the removal of health regeneration, you get to feel the desperation of a situation turned against your favor, and in turn you become more immersed in the most important battles of our fight against Nazi Germany.

In short, better installment than the rest.






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