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TonyWatchesMovies Anime Review :Konohana Kitan: 4 out of 10

Question of the day; Can you overload a person with teenage animal girls? Yes. Yes you can.

TonyWatchesMovies Score; 4 out of 10

Why did I rate it so low? If the entire show is based around all of the character's cuteness, then do I just have a stone-cold heart?........maybe. But the reason I didn't rate it high is because even if it is a feel-good anime, there should still be some tension in it. I feel like anime directors and artists aren't afraid to juggle some super depressing topics sometimes, even in shows that aren't supposed to be heavy, so why couldn't Konohana have a bit of that as well? Hell, Naruto is listed as "comedy" and "fantasy", yet throughout the show really dark stuff happens. I guess all that I was asking for in Konohana Kitan was a bit of variety in the emotions they exhibited in their characters.

Other than that, it's basically your run-of-the-mill cutie anime. Not much else there, really. Stories that always wrapped up perfectly at the end, small conflicts that mostly don't merit a second glance, and female voices so similarly high-pitched that I honestly found it difficult to tell who was speaking whenever the characters were in large groups.






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